The office is closed today, 2/13/2021 due to snowy conditions for the safety of staff and visitors. Confessions at 4 pm and Mass at 5:30 pm are also cancelled. We plan to celebrate Mass at 9 am and 11:30 tomorrow. We have hired someone to plow the parking lot, but we need someone to shovel the walkway! If you can help, contact the office before 3 pm or send an email to Kathy Wickward. The 11:30 Mass will be live streamed to our Facebook page, just click on the Facebook icon below the video on the home page. We hope to post the recording here on our website shortly thereafter. Stay safe!
Book Study with Fr. Jim: Week 1
- Read pages 1-26 of Our One Great Act of Fidelity, then
- Watch Part One of Fr. Jim’s video, which is 8 minutes long, below.
- Prayerfully reflect on the following questions:
- How do experience the ongoing Incarnation of Christ – God taking on flesh today?
- During the pandemic, many of us have not been able to receive Holy Communion. How has this impacted your hunger to be touched by the physical presence of Christ?
- How do you explain the Real Presence of Christ to others?
- In what ways are you grateful for the gift of Eucharist?
Each week during Lent, we will be posting a short video from Fr. Jim on our parish website and some reflection questions from the book. You can also find this information on our Facebook page!
Stewardship of Time is about spending time with God. Lent is the perfect opportunity to consider how we are “waiting for Christ in the Eucharist!”
Stewardship of Time: Our One Great Act of Fidelity
Fr. Jim invites you to join him in studying Ron Rohlheiser's book "One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist".
We will be posting new videos each week on our Stewardship of Time page. Please join us as we walk through the book with Fr. Jim!
From Ashes to Glory: A Virtual Lenten Retreat with Dan Schutte
Stay at home and make a Lenten retreat on your own time with eighteen music reflection videos by Dan Schutte. Access to the videos will last from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday.
At the end of the retreat, you’ll have the option to join a virtual Zoom conversation with Dan and others like yourself who’ve done the retreat.
Registration includes a downloadable retreat workbook/journal to help you reflect on your experience and offer you a place to keep notes if you find that helpful
Registration fee is $100 per person. Registration fees go directly to Dan Schutte Music and do not benefit St. John the Baptist. The link below will take you to the retreat website.
We Need Five Minutes
Five minutes is all we are asking. In the next week you will be receiving a letter from the parish. We are asking everyone to let us know if we have your correct phone number, email and names of people living in your home. We need this information as the archdiocese is moving to a new database system.
All you need to do is to review your information, make corrections as needed and then place the letter in the postage paid envelope and return it in the mail to the parish. Thanks!
Ash Wednesday February 17
Ash Wednesday is February 17. This marks the first day of Lent, our Catholic season of penance and preparation for Easter. Join us for one of the following services:
- 9 am Mass and Ashes
- 5:30 pm Liturgy of the Word and Ashes (no communion)
- 7 pm Mass and Ashes
Registration is required. Please register at Anyone who comes may receive ashes. As a precaution during the pandemic please bow your head and the ashes will be sprinkled on your hair.
Ash Wednesday is a holy day of fasting and abstinence for adults ages 18-59. Church law specifies that a fast allows one full meal plus two smaller meals that together would not make a full meal.
If you would like to learn more about Lent and Ash Wednesday, please click here for our Faith Formation newsletter!
We will also have ashes available during office hours (9 am to 3 pm). An Ash Minister will be available to give you ashes.
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