November 12, 2023
Mass Counts Indicate St. John the Baptist is Growing
We have just finished the annual October Mass count. Overall, there was a 31% increase since last year. In 2022, the average Mass attendance was 722. This year the average attendance was 945, an increase of 223 people! Each of our four Masses saw an increase, with our Sunday evening Mass seeing the largest increase of an average of 63 people. The 9:00 AM Sunday Mass continues to be the highest attended with an average of 306. The count is very encouraging.
There is a sizable swing in attendance. The lowest weekend was October 22 with only 880 people at Mass. The highest weekend was October 29 with 1,003 at Mass. Prior to COVID, attendance was around 1,166.
First, I would like to welcome those who have returned to in-person participation at Mass or who have joined our community. Second, a word of thanks to all our regulars who provide the backbone of our worshiping community. Finally, a word of encouragement to those who attend sometimes but not every Sunday. Research indicates that 39% of Catholics attend Mass every week, while 40% attend once or twice a month or less. Sometimes we do not have the choice when we or a family member gets sick or when one has to work on the weekends. Sometimes one is traveling or even attending another parish with family or friends. However, sometimes it is easy to let a bit of laziness or other priorities take precedence over Sunday worship. Going to the gym could be a good analogy. I may not feel like going, but once I am there, I am glad I went and know that I am taking care of my health. The sacraments maintain our spiritual health. Studies show that those who regularly participate at Mass tend to be happier and have a better week. Your presence also improves the quality of our praying together.
When we become a Family of Parishes next July, we will have to examine how many Masses each site will need. The number of priests assigned to our family may limit the number of Masses being offered. With a seating capacity of 450, we certainly do not need four Masses (capacity of 1800 for an average of 945). Three would be nice; two would be a tight fit. I would not envision any immediate change.
In addition to seating capacity, we need an adequate number of liturgical ministers. Currently, we do not have enough to staff four Masses. Some ministers are being asked to serve every weekend. Here is what you can do to help maintain our Masses at St. John the Baptist. First, help us continue the upward trend of attendance. Invite friends and family to attend Mass with you. See if a new neighbor is Catholic and tell them about the parish. Secondly, volunteer for a liturgical ministry. Contact Laurie or myself for more information.
November 5, 2023
A Shot in the Arm
The old idiom “a shot in the arm” once referred to something that had a sudden and positive effect on something, providing encouragement and new activity. Recently I got a shot in the arm – actually three of them – literally.
I got the flu vaccine (now the extra strength one for seniors), the COVID booster, and the new Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine – all recommended by my doctor. I guess he considers me an “older adult” for whom RSV could be serious.
Keeping current with vaccines not only protects our own health, but it helps protect the community and can lessen the spread of illnesses.
As we enter the cold and flu season, please remember that if you are sick, stay home. Being sick, and even taking care of someone who is sick, dispenses you from the obligation to participate in person at Mass. If you have any cold or flu symptoms, you should also not be attending other parish gatherings such as our faith formation programs.
If anyone in your household tests positive for COVID, please follow the CDC guidelines at
If you have been at the parish two to six days prior to getting sick, please alert the parish office to ensure people with whom you may have had contact with are aware, so they can monitor for symptoms.
I hope this is a shot in the arm for you to consider vaccinations and other ways you can protect your health and the health of our community.
October 29, 2023
Partners in the Gospel Update
Two Thousand Four Hundred pages of feedback have been submitted to the Archdiocese from 136 of the 138 parishes in the Archdiocese. Here at St. John the Baptist, we had six listening sessions in person and two on Zoom and about 160 parishioners participated. The Archdiocese has 20 Readers, who will go through the feedback, each comment being read by at least two Readers. A synthesis will be develop for each parish and each parish family.
The Oversight Committee and Presbyteral Council will discern what changes to the proposed parish families should be made. By late January or early February 2024, the final configuration of the parish families will be announced. In April 2024, priest assignments will be made, determining how many priests will be assigned to each family. The families then take effect July 1, 2024.
The parish families will then begin a three-year process to discern how best to become one parish, focusing on worship, community formation, the growing of disciples, and reaching out to those in need. I imagine it will begin by simply getting to know one another and the unique make-up of each community, for the parish is really a community of communities.
Please continue your prayer for our local church. A prayer for Partners in the Gospel can be found at
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