The St. John’s Giving Tree is up and shining! This year, our goal is to provide Christmas joy to at least 50 families. Each family is invited to the St. John’s Christmas Giving Store, where the family can select gifts for their children, basic household items, a holiday meal and gas and grocery gift cards. How can you help? Please grab a tag or two from the Christmas Giving Tree table in the Narthex. Please return your unwrapped gift to the parish by Sunday, December 12.
For those who prefer to shop online and have gifts mailed directly to St. John the Baptist, we have created a St. John the Baptist 2021 Giving Tree Amazon wish list
Monetary donations are also welcome. You can donate to the Giving Tree at the following link: Checks can be made payable to St John the Baptist and please note Christmas Giving Tree on your check. In addition to supporting local families, we will also be supporting Pregnancy Aid. If you have any questions or are interested in helping with the Christmas Giving Tree, please contact Andrea Shimek at 206-890-1005 or