“Deacons, married or single, are ordained as a sign that all the faithful are called to service.”
– Fr. Bill
New Deacon Class
The archdiocese has called for a new formation class to become a deacon. Aspirants should be men between the age of 30 and 56. Deacons, married or single, are ordained as a sign that all the faithful are called to service. Deacons have a special role of service to the liturgy, to the Gospel and to the works of charity.
Candidates should be:
– A man of prayer, who demonstrates this quality in his daily life, and in his full and active participation in the liturgy
– A Catholic who is fully initiated and in good standing with the Catholic Church
– Commitment to serving the needs of the Church, especially the poor and vulnerable
– A lifetime pattern of spiritual, pastoral, human and intellectual growth
– Solid moral character demonstrating the human virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance
– Humility, good listening skills and openness to conversion
– Empathy, constancy, sincerity, truthfulness, patience enabling good relationships with others
– Preparedness to understand, present and promote the teachings of the Church
As you read this description, does someone in the parish come to mind? Could you encourage that man to consider a call to the diaconate?