Partners in the Gospel Update
Two Thousand Four Hundred pages of feedback have been submitted to the Archdiocese from 136 of the 138 parishes in the Archdiocese. Here at St. John the Baptist, we had six listening sessions in person and two on Zoom and about 160 parishioners participated. The Archdiocese has 20 Readers, who will go through the feedback, each comment being read by at least two Readers. A synthesis will be develop for each parish and each parish family.
The Oversight Committee and Presbyteral Council will discern what changes to the proposed parish families should be made. By late January or early February 2024, the final configuration of the parish families will be announced. In April 2024, priest assignments will be made, determining how many priests will be assigned to each family. The families then take effect July 1, 2024.
The parish families will then begin a three-year process to discern how best to become one parish, focusing on worship, community formation, the growing of disciples, and reaching out to those in need. I imagine it will begin by simply getting to know one another and the unique make-up of each community, for the parish is really a community of communities.
Please continue your prayer for our local church. A prayer for Partners in the Gospel can be found at