We are reconstituting a Liturgical Commission that will be made up of representatives from the various liturgical ministries as well as members at large. One of the emerging priorities arising from our parish experience of the synod is respecting the cultural diversity of our community. I hope that our Liturgy Commission will be able to be a diverse group that reflects the composition of the parish.
The purpose of the Liturgy Commission is:
1. To assist the pastor in achieving the goal of full, conscious, and active participation of the people at the Eucharist, as stated in the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (SC, 14).
2. To advise and support the pastor on the spirituality and prayer life of the parish community.
3. To oversee the formation of parish liturgical ministries under the direction of the pastor.
4. To develop liturgical guidelines specific to this parish.
To be considered for serving as a member at large, please contact Laurie Moloney at 253 630 0701, ext. 111 or lauriem@sjtbcc.org.
Other commissions in the parish include Faith Formation Commission, Stewardship and Evangelization Commission, Life Justice and Peace Commission, and Facility Commission. There are various committees under these commissions. The two Councils we have are Finance and Parish Leadership Team. It would be wonderful if every adult parishioner, including teens (or at least one from every parish family), would take a turn at serving on one council, commission, or committee. A normal term is three years. Contact Anne Frederick at kathyw@sjtbcc.org or myself at billm@sjtbcc.org for more information.