“It is normal to grieve a pregnancy
loss, including the loss of a child by
abortion.” ~Fr. Bill
Are you searching for forgiveness and peace?
There are certain triggers that can cause reactions from past traumatic events. Many women experience trauma after an abortion. With abortion constantly in the news because of the Supreme Court’s decision last week, some who have had an abortion in the past may once again be experiencing the pain and anguish arising from that decision. It is normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. The grief over an aborted child can cause physical, emotional, spiritual and relational damage. But healing is possible.
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services that offers a chance to share your grief in a safe atmosphere of acceptance and trust. They are able to refer you to trained priests for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or professional counselors if needed. They have a retreat program offering the path to forgiveness, healing and peace.
Call now for a confidential, compassionate conversation.
Angie, in English: (206) 920-6413
Alejandra, en Español: (206) 450-7814
E-mail: projectrachel@ccsww.org
Whether it’s been one year or 20+ years, you need time to grieve your loss and reflect on your feelings of sorrow and regret. There is a path to peace.