As we conclude the Christmas octave and prepare to welcome the new year, the story of the Holy Family’s journey—a story of faith, courage, and seeking refuge—remains at the heart of the season. Their experience mirrors the lives of countless migrants and refugees today, whose paths are marked by uncertainty, separation, and hope for a better future. This shared humanity reminds us of Christ’s command to love and welcome the stranger.
On December 29, 2024, the Bishops of Washington State issued a pastoral letter addressing the challenges faced by immigrants and refugees in our communities. Their message calls us to remember the Gospel’s invitation to stand in solidarity with those on the margins and to recognize the dignity of every person, regardless of where they were born. As Pope Francis reminds us in Fratelli Tutti, love for God cannot be separated from love for neighbor, especially the most vulnerable among us.
As a parish, we are committed to embodying this message. Whether through prayer, acts of service, or advocacy, we seek to reflect the light of Christ to all who find themselves in need of welcome and support. The bishops’ letter challenges us to deepen this commitment as we journey together into 2025, a Jubilee year, with hope in our hearts and a shared mission of justice and compassion.
We encourage you to read their powerful message and hold in prayer all who are displaced, fearful, or seeking a home. May we, as a community, continue to answer the call to love and serve, trusting that Our Lady of Guadalupe walks with us on this journey of faith and solidarity.