Continuing Formation at Ocean Shores
Every year, all the priests of the archdiocese gather at Ocean Shores for continuing formation. This year, we will be meeting this week. There are different aspects to continuing formation: spiritual, pastoral, human, and professional. This year we will be focusing on the spiritual. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas will be leading us in a series of reflections on encounter with Christ, fraternity in Christ, and Life in the Holy Spirit. Archbishop García-Siller was born in Mexico and came to the United States as a missionary in 1980.
There is always the ongoing human formation and time for us to foster fraternity and friendships with other priests. We remember those who have died this past year, and we celebrate those with major anniversaries of ordination. There is even a social time to honor those entering Senior Status.
Since I will be away this week with little time to prepare a homily, Joan Williamson will be sharing reflections next weekend. For the past few months and about once a month, we have been having a woman share reflections at Mass. This originated from our parish synod sessions and is supported by our new Women’s Commission. The women I have asked to share reflections have degrees in theology or related fields, advanced studies, or careers in Church ministry. They are able to bring an important perspective and are a reminder of the importance of women in the Church. All of these are done within the guidelines of the Archdiocese.