Lenten Calendar 2021
Prepare for a fruitful lenten season with these resources
- PRAY -
Stations of the Cross
Catholic Relief Services
"Walk alongside Christ on the journey of his Passion and remember our brothers and sisters both around the world and in our own cities who experience suffering and poverty each day."
Vatican – Meditations from Padua Prison
"The meditations on the Stations of the Cross this year were prepared by the chaplaincy of the "Due Palazzi" House of Detention in Padua. Fourteen people were invited by Pope Francis to meditate on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, bringing it to bear on their own situations. Those invited included five prisoners, a family that was the victim of a murder, the daughter of a man given a life sentence, a prison teacher, a civil magistrate, the mother of a prisoner, a catechist, a volunteer religious brother, a prison guard and a priest who was accused and then finally acquitted after eight years in the justice system. Accompanying Christ on the Way of the Cross, with the raw voices of those who live behind the walls of a prison, is an opportunity to view the great battle between life and death, to discover how the threads of good and evil inevitably intertwine. Contemplating Calvary from behind bars is to believe that an entire life can be played out in a few moments, as happened to the good thief."
Via Cruces en Español
Vía crucis con las Estaciones comentadas e ilustradas
- GIVE -
CRS Rice Bowl
CRS Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, the official relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Through CRS Rice Bowl, faith communities in dioceses throughout the United States put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lenten alms donated through CRS Rice Bowl support the work of CRS in more than 100 different countries each year. Twenty-five percent of donations to CRS Rice Bowl stay in the local diocese, supporting hunger and poverty alleviation efforts. Since its inception in 1975, CRS Rice Bowl has raised nearly $300 million. Each year, 25% of donations collected in the Seattle Archdiocese remain in the community to assist with food insecurity on a local level. Pregnancy Aid, the Storehouse, and St. Vincent de Paul have all benefited from grants through the CRS Rice Bowl.
Faith Formation News
2020-21 Faith Formation Programs Registration OPEN! Register Now!