August 21, 2022
““Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”
– Maya Angelou
Fr. Dave Rogerson will be with you this weekend while I am away on a week’s vacation. Fr. Rogerson is one of our senior priests who continues to help in various parishes. I have known him since my high school years, which is a long time.
For vacation, I am planning on getting some projects around the house accomplished, some extra reading done, a few friends and family
visited, and enjoying these August days in the northwest.
I came across a couple of quotes about vacations. The poet and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, once said: “Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.” The Turkish playwright, Mehmet Murat ildan said, “Neglecting vacation is neglecting success because every success needs an accumulated positive energy!”
I am not sure how much I will get done. It is never all I have planned. However, I hope I come back rested and energized. We have a full and exciting program year beginning. Hope you are also able to get summer rest and refreshment.
August 14, 2022
“The quality of our participation in such sung praise comes less from our vocal ability than from the desire of our hearts to sing together of our love for God”
– Fr. Bill
St. Augustine said that music is a way for God to lead us to the realm of higher things. God dwells within each person, in the place where music takes its source. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have written, “Thus, it is no wonder that singing together in church expresses so well the sacramental presence of God to his people” (Sing to the Lord, #2).
During COVID, when singing was limited, we had to participate internally to the singing done by a cantor, joining with our minds and hearts as we listened. Now, in addition to internal participation, we are returning to greater external participation, as we now can join our voices in song.
Once, in a former parish, when I was trying to encourage greater singing, a parishioner responded, “Well you don’t sing everything. I don’t see your lips move all the time.” Upon further discussion, I discovered this person was referencing to those times when the Assembly was supposed to sing – not the presider. I had to explain that some of our singing is a part of a dialogue. There are different parts taken by the priest, the cantor, and the People. As presider, I do not sing the Great Amen or the memorial acclamation. That is the part of the Assembly. The rite is very specific as it states, “The People acclaim” as opposed to “The Priest says or sings.” We are engaging in liturgy together.
As COVID restrictions on singing are being lifted, we will return to greater congregational singing. Be sure to take your part. We need your voice. The U.S. Bishops noted that, “The quality of our participation in such sung praise comes less from our vocal ability than from the desire of our hearts to sing together of our love for God” (#13).
August 7, 2022
“During COVID, we may have
gotten use to letting others do
the singing for us. Now we
are called to reclaim this
important expression of faith.“
– Fr. Bill
Singing is the Sign of the Heart’s Joy
In the latest COVID guidelines, the Archdiocese is lifting restrictions on singing. Full congregational singing may return. We have been singing some of the shorter refrains and antiphons. Soon, the Assembly also will be invited to sing the entire Gloria, the entrance hymn, and the first Communion Hymn. Later we will reintroduce singing for the preparation of the gifts and the closing hymn.
“The Gloria is the ancient and venerable hymn in which the Church, assembled in the Holy Spirit, praises and entreats God the Father and the Lamb.”
Often referred to as “the angelic hymn,” the Gloria was first intoned by the angels from heaven for the birth of Christ on earth. The loria is a true hymn. Its opening burst of praise overflows into a series of joyful cries addressed to the Father: “we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory.” The hymn goes on to sing of the mercy of the Son, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
By singing Opening Hymn together, we “foster the unity of those who have been gathered.” It may introduce a particular theme of the day and begins our celebration by praising God.
Another expression of unity is joining in the Communion Hymn. “Participating in the Communion hymn while the congregation continues to process and receive Communion is another important form of worship and source of unity”. The priest is part of that communion procession. You may have noticed that I do not take communion until the communion hymn has begun. The Communion Hymn show we approach the Lord together.
During COVID, we may have gotten use to letting others do the singing for us. Now we are called to reclaim this important expression of faith. God dwells within each human heart, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever God’s people sing God’s praise.” St. Augustine says, “Singing is for the one who loves.” Song is therefore a sign of God’s love for us and of our love for God. We are without hymnals so, when you see those words on the screen: SING!
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