As Catholics we live lives of sacrament! A sacrament is a sweet spot in our lives, in this world, where humanity experiences the sweet kiss of God. If we ponder this, we can find many moments of this in our own lives, recognizing that God is with us always and everywhere.
As Church we recognized seven special moments in Jesus’ ministry that celebrate these sweet kisses from God. We see them in Sacred Scripture as well as the life of the Church throughout history (Sacred Tradition). These seven Sacraments, to be actively lived out in our life as the Body of Christ are:
Sacraments of Initiation
Sacraments of Healing
Sacraments of Vocation/Service
These seven Sacraments are to be celebrated and received within the community that one belongs to. The goal is to live a sacramental life, not simply check-in to obtain a sacrament! In light of this, individuals seeking to receive Sacraments are invited to begin this journey of preparation by growing in relationship with the greater community. During preparation for the Sacraments families will be invited and encouraged to worship with the community at the liturgy of the mass, to participate in the Faith Formation processes that are available, and to be actively engaged in our outreach/social justice opportunities with fellow parishioners.