Week Five of our book study on Our One Great Act of Fidelity examines the issues of social justice and discipleship.
In Chapter 11, Fr. Rolheiser states that when Jesus removed his outer garments to wash the feet of his disciples, he is calling us to let go of all the pride and prejudices that cover up our inner garment of being made in the image and likeness of Christ.
This Lent, how are our sacrificial practices helping us strip away those sinful attitudes and practices that divide us from others?
Read Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 of Our One Great Act of Fidelity
Watch Part Five of Fr. Jim’s video, which is 6 ½ minutes long
Prayerfully reflect on the following questions:
As we begin Covid vaccinations, more parishioners are now able to return to Mass in person. What are you hoping to experience as we can once again be together in community?
How does Eucharist nourish you to deepen your call to discipleship and serve others?
Have you been able to deepen your prayer life during Lent?
How do you understand the difference between private/affective prayer and communal/priestly prayer?