Have you ever dreamed of owning your island?
Now you can!
You are invited to take part in caring for God’s creation in our parish campus. We have 36 areas available for adoption.
You can sign up as an individual, family, or group. Adopted plots will have a sign and all who adopt will receive a certificate of appreciation.
“From the hands of God, we have received a garden, we cannot leave a desert for our children…There is hope. We can collaborate…so that our mother Earth may be restored to her original beauty and creation may once again shine according to God’s plan.
– Pope Francis
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church sits atop a hill embracing 9.5 acres of God’s creation. We are blessed to be on Holy Ground surrounded by beauty. No matter how large or small the garden area you find yourself adopting and improving, you are answering God’s call to reverence His creation. In return there is an opportunity to experience peace, harmony, and interconnectedness, as your work becomes quality time spent with God in praise, prayer, and gratitude.
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts! All the earth is filled with His glory!” – Isaiah 6:3
SJTB-Island-AdoptionHabitat Adoption Best Practices
- Trim the existing plants to maintain height of 2 feet.
- Remove weeds using (your own) garden tools. Do NOT use herbicides and pesticides. They can harm the beneficial animal species and leach into the groundwater causing further damage.
- Mulch with organic materials to keep moisture in the soil and provide nutrients during decomposition. You are welcome to the compost and wood chip piles in the parking lot.
- When adding new plants, select low to moderate height native plants that grow 2 feet tall or less. We encourage that you pick native pollinators or other native plants that suit the sun or shade conditions at your island. Natives are best adapted to our PNW climate.
- Some species of non-native plants may also be a perfect addition. Please consult with team when pursuing non-native plants for your area.
Ongoing Support
We thank you for being good stewards of our parish home and want to make sure any questions you have are answered! Feel free to reach out to us at sjtbislandadoption@gmail.com where a member of our team can support you!
Additional Resources
Washington Native Plant Society
Wildflowers NW Native Plant Nursery
St. Kateri Conservation Center
Sponsored By
Facilities & Grounds Commission
Stewardship & Evangelization Commission
Creation Care Team