Strengths Wine and Cheese Event
Open to those with "Woo" or "Relator" in their top 5 strengths, and their spouses.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Where Stewardship is a Way of Life
Open to those with "Woo" or "Relator" in their top 5 strengths, and their spouses.
Join Faith Formation Families in Crafts and Activities to prepare us for the season of Lent, 10:15-11:15 after the 9 am Mass. Outreach, Cookies, Art, Music and More!
The fourth of 11 weekly in person sessions
Masses with ash distribution: 9 am and 7 pm. Service of the Word with ash distribution: 5:30 pm, this service will include a short lay reflection.
The fourth of 11 weekly Thursday morning sessions via Zoom
Join your parish family in an old-fashioned Lenten fish fry. Proceeds will benefit parish ministries and the local community. The Knights will sponsor 3 fish suppers this year: Feb. 24, March 10, and March 31.