Welcome Gathering

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Open to all parishioners who have joined the parish in the last year. Attendees are able to join Fr. Bill for lunch and conversation.  All registrants will receive free gifts! RSVP to Anne Frederick by November 10th.

Giving Tree Gift Collection

Sanctuary 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

The St. John's Giving Tree is up and shining! This year, our goal is to provide Christmas joy to at least 50 families. Each family is invited to the St. John’s Christmas Giving Store, where the family can select gifts for their children, basic household items, a holiday meal and gift cards for gas and […]

Thanksgiving Meal Distribution

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

We will be putting hundreds of meals together to support families in need this Thanksgiving. We will need volunteers in a variety of roles from food pickup, unloading trucks, and bagging food items.  Sign Up Here

Craft and Hobby Day

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Join others in our community for a free, fun day of crafting! There is no cost for this event. We ask you to bring your own supplies to craft with, snack, and lunch. This day is set aside to offer uninterrupted time to work on your own craft while growing in fellowship with others. All […]

Advent Fun Day

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Join us at the McMullen Center on November 20 for our annual Advent Fun Day! This is an event for the whole family. Come make crafts, decorate cookies, and pick-up materials to help celebrate the Season of Advent!

Liturgy of the Hours: the Other Prayer of the Church

Sanctuary 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Join us for this opportunity to learn more about this ancient prayer with the Psalms! Will also be livestreamed on Facebook: facebook.com/sjtbcovington