Craft & Hobby Day

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Join others in our community for a free, fun day of crafting! There is no cost for this event. We ask you to bring your own supplies to craft with, snack, and lunch. This day is set aside to offer uninterrupted time to work on your own craft while growing in fellowship with others. All […]

World Mission Day

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Mission Sunday is celebrated the world over. Pope Francis is inviting the entire Church to support priests, religious and lay leaders around the world as they bring the Gospel to those most in need. Please keep the pope’s missions in your prayers. The Archdiocese of Seattle takes up a special collection this weekend to support […]

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

The annual Apples Sales Fund Raiser in October and November typically supports this program. However, our Grower’s apple orchard in Yakima was attacked by a flock of birds that destroyed the entire crop this year. Please keep our Grower in your prayers and also continue to support our Coats for Kids program by joining us […]

Parish Leadership Convocation

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Open to all those serving on a council or commission. This gathering will be an opportunity for those serving in a leadership role within our parish to come together to review our previous 5-year plan and provide a direction for our next 5-year plan.

Stewardship of Treasure Campaign

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

This weekend begins our yearly focus on Parish Stewardship. We invite you to reflect prayerfully on how God has blessed you and how God has called each of us to share a designated portion of these blessings. Your gifts help our parish to continue our mission to serve one another in the name of Jesus […]

Thanksgiving Meal Drive

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

Our annual drive to collect funds to provide hundreds of families with Thanksgiving meals continues. Through our partnership with Hilltop Red Apple, we are once again able to provide an entire Thanksgiving meal to a family of 4-6. These meals are distributed to families through Catholic Community Services, Children’s Home Society, Kent School District (including […]

All Saints Day Mass

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

A holy day of obligation, Solemnity of all Saints is a celebration of all Catholic Saints.

All Saints Day Mass

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

A holy day of obligation, Solemnity of all Saints is a celebration of all Catholic Saints.

All Souls Day Mass

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States

In honor of First Friday, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 9 AM Mass for several hours. Individuals are welcome to come to the church to pray during this time.

Family Dance!

McMullen Center 25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA, United States


Fall Clean Up

It's time to give our grounds some TLC and we need your help! Come as you are for any time you are able to give! We do encourage bringing your own work gloves and appreciate if you have any trimmers/edgers/clippers you can offer, but we have equipment and tasks for all. Our main goal will […]