I am currently reading The Shepherd’s Life by James Rebanks. He speaks of the joy of herding and caring for sheep, a job that has been in his family for several hundred years. His farm is located in the northwest part of England, known as the Lake District. The great attachment that the shepherd has for his sheep epitomizes the description that we have in John’s gospel as we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday this weekend. Jesus is one with his sheep. He knows each by name. He is familiar with each one’s foibles. The sheep in turn respond only to their shepherd’s voice and none other. What a beautiful reminder of how Christ loves each of us in a unique way! May we be attuned to his voice especially in this unsettling time. May he calm our fears and lead us to peace of mind and heart.
Just a reminder that I am hearing confessions in the church on Saturdays from 4 to 5 pm