During the month of November we traditionally remember our faithful departed who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. This Sunday marks the Solemnity of All Saints. These are the canonized and uncanonized who continually praise our eternal God around the throne of heaven. On November 2nd we celebrate All Souls’ Day. We pray for our deceased loved ones that their transition between this life on earth and their life in the fullness of the Kingdom goes well. When we stand before God at the end of our earthly life we are overcome by the unconditional love that God has for us. We are aware of the sin that still clings to us. God purges us of that sin so that we may enjoy the fullness of that love. This is known as purgatory. We will have a special mass on Monday at 9 am where all the names of those who have died in our parish the past year and those for whom we have prayed in the Prayers of the Faithful will be read aloud. We will also have the Book of the Names of the Dead placed near the baptismal font. For those who can’t make it to Mass you may want to make a list of all your faithful departed and pray for them as you participate in our live-streamed mass. May our gracious God take all our loved ones to himself.