Meet our Staff
Father Carlos Orozco came to St. John the Baptist in the summer of 2024 as pastor of the newly formed Family 30 of the Archdiocese of Seattle. He is also pastor of our sister parish, Holy Spirit, in Kent. He is our fourth pastor.
Nancy Moore is responsible for managing data in all of its forms, whether it be money, registrations, or sacramental records. She is also responsible for our Craft and Hobby Days.
Facility Steward
David Aldous is responsible for the safety, security and aesthetics of all of the buildings and grounds.
Music Coordinator
Luis Diaz de Leon schedules the musicians and helps them choose music for all Masses. An accomplished performer himself, you will often see him singing, playing guitar, or behind the sound board.
Pastoral Assistant for Administration, Stewardship, and Outreach
Kathy Wickward stewards all of the parish resources: human, financial, facility, and technical, to ensure that all ministries have what they need to serve the parish. She oversees the welcome, engagement, community life, and outreach ministries of the parish.
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation: Adult Formation and Sacramental Preparation
Joan Williamson directs all Faith Formation, including adult formation, small faith communities, and the RCIA process. She supervises all sacramental preparation: Baptism, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage.
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation: Preschool and Elementary Formation
Therese McHenry works with our preschool and elementary school kids and catechists and carries out our First Sacrament process for 2nd-4th grade students. She is also our parish librarian.
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation: Youth Ministry
Peter Guthrie works with our middle school students (5th-8th grades)and high school (9th-12th grades) in our Faith Formation programs, training and coordinating the Youth Ministry's Core team and providing direction to Youth Group catechists. He also spearheads the 2 year youth Confirmation program.
Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy and Pastoral Care
Laurie Moloney coordinates and trains sacristans, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and other liturgical ministers and ensures the sacred space is prepared for worship. She also helps to plan funerals and other prayer services.
Pastoral Assistant for Social Outreach and Advocacy
Andrea Mendoza works with the Life, Justice, Peace commission to ensure that funds set aside to help those in need go to great local and national organizations. She also works with volunteers to organize the Thanksgiving Meal drive, Back to School Drive, in-parish assistance, the Christmas Giving Tree, and to run the Safe Car Parking, Creation Care, and PREPARES programs, among others.